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19 bytes removed, 01:17, 14 June 2015
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* '''Are many people around you? If yes, a paper with a big "Couchsurfing?" on it may help you to find someone that would host you.'''
'''Strazdas007:''' I'd say says it is possible to find a host in this way, but you must know, where it is biggest chance that your sign will be seen - I'm talking about subway stations or even stations in general, bigger supermarkets, town squares. I He actually found one host near some touristic attraction - somewhere near Eiffel tower, but I he was lucky, because next day I he wasn't so lucky and had to sleep on the bench. And I he was thrown out of the subway station in Paris, because guards were thinking that I he was asking for money. Or you can simply look for some hipsters, or simply friendly youths and ask them if they are hosting, if they don't know, tell them about CS'ing, and maybe they will host you.
I'd say - try Try your luck. And remember this is not hitchhiking, eye contact is almost pointless, because your sign is making contact. Try to make sign as big as possible (well not very big, but so it could be seen from further or/and attract people eye).